What is a primary care specialist?

What is a primary care specialist-is this a term that Dr. Lee made up?

  • Lee did not technically make up the term but is one of the few doctors in the Jacksonville community that is using this term.
  • Specialist are physicians that have gone beyond the typically training required for general practitioners to gain expertise or special knowledge that typically allows them to perform a procedure or diagnose and treat a complex medical condition.
  • Lee uses the term to refer to his style of practice because much like procedural specialist he has received additional training beyond medical school and even residency that has allowed him to more effectively treat manage patients.
  • He specifically skilled in the art and science of population management which is a collection of skills that include rigorous training in Leadership, Informatics, Organizational development, process improvement, financial analysis and modeling.
  • With this additional training he has been able to develop systems in his practice that improve patients experience, increased preventive screening and decreases unnecessary hospitalizations and ER use.