Serving your neighborhood
Primary Care Specialist of Jacksonville Florida
Pareto Clinic is your neighborhood primary care specialist. A primary care specialist are physicians that have gone beyond the typically training required for general practitioners to gain expertise or special knowledge that typically allows them to perform a procedure or diagnose and treat a complex medical condition.
What is the Pareto Difference? You deserve health care that serves you. At Pareto our goal is to manage your care so that you can spend more time doing what you love.
Our vision at Pareto is to support the adoption of value based care as the dominant business model in communities across the country, through the judicious application of evidence based Population Health Management principles.
Our mission is to develop a care delivery system that will achieve through measurement and iterative improvement the best access, patient experience, quality, stewardship and engagement for the population of patients and families that we have the honor to serve.
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Who is Dr. Lee?
What is a Primary Care Specialist?
The Value of Pareto at Schell-Sweet ?